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  大众网主站 > 2006山东(国际)文化产业博览会 > 各地节庆


2003-08-27 12:00:00

撰文/曹玉山 摄影/侯贺良 曹玉山 











A Way to the Peaceful Faryland

  • Text/Cao Yushan Photo/Hou Heliang, Cao Yushan

Penglai, an ancient seaside city called fairyland on earth, is of great fame with its seashore location and picturesque scenery. It is the legendary place where the eight immortals in the tale the Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea, one of the most popular Chinese mythologies, started their journey. No wonder it is of close relationship with immortals and heaven.

Mirage, the natural phenomenon that has acquired an element of mystery and wonder, contributes greatly to the charm of the fairyland. Tourists have been coming in an endless stream with the hope of sightseeing and especially the occasionally appeared mirage. Their wishes of enjoying and sharing a bit fairy air are greatly satisfied.

In Penglai, one can appreciate not only the fairy culture based on mirage, but the seaport culture facing the world and the struggling culture. There are three national key cultural relics protection sites: Penglai Water City, Penglai Pavilion, and the Memorial Archway for Qi Jiguang (a national hero). In the ancient times, Penglai was the starting point of the silk sea road. Penglai and Changshan Islands face each other across the sea. One is famous for historical relics, the other is celebrated for scenic beauty. Their integration combining history, cultural sites and natural seaside scene forms a gold tourism area in China, even the whole Asia.

In recent years, a plan based on the development of tourism economy in Penglai has been determined aiming at standardization, integration and industrialization. The plan includes three facets: the building up of markets, the further developing of tourism resources and the opening up of new tourism markets.

At present, there are more than 20 newly opened places of interest, which with 10 square kilometers of tourism area has formed a new tourism pattern centered in integrating Penglai Pavilion and such natural scenes as mountains, sea shore and pavilions. The number of tourists in the year 2001 has reached 2,000,000, and the gross income added up to 11 percent of GDP.

Simultaneously, Penglai sets up a theme of peace so as to enrich the tourism culture with other instructive cultures. Cooperating with UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), Penglai government undertakes Ode to Peace International Youngsters Cultural Festival every year from 2001, which attracts thousands of teenagers, at home or abroad to hold celebrations on peace praise, and receive peace education. For its international influence, the festival is awarded by UNESCO An Assemble for Peace of the Greatest significant Up to Now. Penglai has turned out a sacred place of peace pursuiting.

编辑: wangfujing








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