
2012年12月13日 12:24作者:来源:大众网



Photo of the old railway station in Jinan

    大众网1212讯(记者 尹玉涛 王磊 隋乔 赵洪栋)1912年,由德国青年派建筑师赫尔曼·菲舍尔设计的津浦铁路济南火车站建成,被誉为是“德国人在远东地区所建造的最漂亮的火车站”。2012123,值津浦铁路济南火车站建成100周年之际,济南老火车站设计者的孙女——64岁的西维亚·弗里德里希米德受山东建筑大学的邀请,从德国不远万里来到济南,开始了为期10天的“寻根”之旅,大众网通过视频、图片和文字等种形式,全程跟踪报道,西维亚不仅在济南找到了祖父的“家”,而且与许多老火车站爱好者成为了朋友,她的寻根之旅也引起众多德国媒体和政要的关注。

    By Yin Yutao, Wang Lei, Sui Joe, Zhao Hongdong (DZWWW.COM)
    The Tianjin-Pukou Railway Jinan Station, designed by German young architect Mr. Hermann Fischer, was completed in 1912. It was regarded as the most beautiful railway station that had ever been built by Germans in the Far East. On December 3, 2012, at the 100th anniversary of the Tianjin-Pukou Railway Jinan Station, Ms. Sylvia Fliegenschmid, the 64-year-old granddaughter of Mr. Hermann Fischer accepted the invitation from Shandong Jianzhu University and began her ten days' root-seeking tour in Jinan. Dazhong website covered her whole trip through shooting videos, taking pictures and writing reports. During her trip, Ms. Sylvia Fliegenschmid not only found her grandfather's former residence, but also made friends with many fans of the old railway station in Jinan. Her trip also drew the attention from many German media and politicians. 


